Warum sich Urlaub im Iran lohnt
Der Iran ist eines der kulturreichsten Länder der islamischen Welt, in dem zahlreiche Weltkulturerben und interessante Städte sind zu besichtigen. Es gibt kaum ein orientalisches Land, in dem Vergangenheit und Zukunft, Tradition und Moderne so eng verzahnt sind wie im Iran. Der Iran ist ein sicheres Land, das für die wunderbare Herzlichkeit der Menschen und die bedeutende archäologische und religiöse Städten berühmt ist. Der größtze Schatz des Landes ist, trotz der vielfältigen Natur und beeindruckenden Architektur, die Gastfreundschaft der Menschen.
Persien wartet darauf, von Ihnen entdeckt zu werden.
Iran Sun World Reiseveranstalter mit langjährigen Erfahrungen bieten Ihnen die schönsten Touren für Sie zusammengestellt und möchten, dass Sie mit uns die Kultur, Religion, Kunst und Literatur Persiens kennen lernen.
American, British and Canadian people can apply for Iran Visa before coming to Iran and visit Iran only within Iranian guided tours. They should find an Iranian travel agency and ask it to help them get their Iran visa code. They should send the necessary requirements i.e. their passport image, a personal photo, their personal and work resume as well as filling out the Iran visa application form presented on Iran Sun World website.
After receiving the necessary documents, Iran Sun World will apply for their visa authorization code. Iran visa authorization number will be sent to them by Iran Sun World. The process may take a month to be complete. The tourists can go to any city in any country that has Iranian embassy to collect their visa.
Therefore, getting Iran Visa for Americans may be a little more difficult than other countries. The tour schedule and name of all their hotels in Iran, and the exact time of arrival and departure should be determined. They should also stay in Iran during their journey along with their tour guide approved by the Iran Cultural Heritage Organization.
Consult with an Iranian travel agency to get your visa with no problem and more ease.
The process of getting Iran Visa is one of the simplest parts of traveling to Iran, land of wonder, adventure and beauty. Iran Visa can be issued for those who like to travel to Iran, individually or in a group.
It should be noted that all nationalities except the owners of Israeli passport can travel to Iran.
For more information, click HERE.
Iran is considered as one of the safest countries in the world. The tourists who travel to Iran will definitely recognize Iran as a safe country. Despite what their media have told them and the propaganda against Iran, tourists can feel the peacefulness and safety of Iran. Although there are some limitations and differences comparing to the tourists’ origin countries, Iran is a safe country for traveling. Indeed, many Iran travelers have described it as a safe and secure place. Although Iran is located in the Middle East and there is war all around this country, it is safe inside the country.
It is a fact that Iran enjoys a calm atmosphere. You can see Iranian people live in tranquility; do their job in calmness; enjoy the recreational activities; and live their life happily.
Courtesy and hospitality is an important part of Iranian culture. Iranian people treat warmly and friendly with travelers. Tourists can hitchhike, use restaurants and coffees, stay in hotels, eco-lodges, local accommodations and even homes of strangers, etc. safely. Even the woman travelers can easily travel to Iran alone.
Iran is a vast country with different climate zones; therefore, you can travel in every season you want. Whether it is summer, winter, spring or autumn, Iran welcomes you.
In spring, you can travel to different parts of the country since the weather is really enjoyable from west to east and north to south.
In summer, it is recommended to visit the north, northwest and northeast, the west, and middle of the country (e.g. Isfahan) since the weather there is better than the southern or southeastern of Iran. Southern parts have hot weather in summer.
In autumn, the weather is bearable in all directions. All parts of the country, therefore, can be visited. However, the most recommended parts are south and center of Iran since the north, northwest and northeast enjoy rain most of the time in this season.
In winter, the north, northwest, northeast and west experience snow while in the south sun shines and sometimes it is rainy. The center also enjoys rainy weather and in some parts it is snowing, with cool days and cold nights.
Persian also called Farsi is the official language of Iran. However, there are a number of languages and dialects spoken all around Iran. These languages and dialects contains Azerbaijani (Turkish), Lori, Kurdish, Mazandarani, Gilaki, Balochi, and Arabic. More than half the population speak a dialect of Persian which is under Indo-European category.
Most of the new generation in Iran can speak English, but a tour guide or translator can be very helpful in some cases.
On the whole Iranians are very friendly and hospitable people and you will enjoy communicating with them in any case.
More details about traveling to IRAN: